Sunday, January 7, 2007

Jan/Feb Itinerary

Some of you have read this in your email-thought I'd post it here

Hi all,

It's pretty rare that I send out mass emails on anything because I like to be mysterious and elusive. (Ha- yeah right.) The truth is, I usually don't have anything to say and I'm super boring. But the reasons for me sending this is to 1) catch up with old friends 2) to invite everyone in on where I'm going/doing in the next few months 3) say hi and hope you email me- you lazy bastards.

In April 2005 I left the country for the first time ever to go to Vietnam with my parents. I made two vows to myself during this trip. The first is that I will travel internationally at least once a year for as long as I can. The second is to never travel with my parents, at least not for 10 straight days.

2006 I went with friends to Italy, Tijuana, and Puerto Rico. So this year it's Japan, Korea, and Australia.

Yeah, yeah, it's last minute. Yeah, yeah, it's expensive. Whatever. I'm going to outline what's up and then you can say- wow, cool- I wanna go with or, Hey Kim, I can't go because I have babies, work, or scurvy. Either or, I'd love to hear from you- unless I owe you money (or have scurvy).

Jan. 18th-21st: Tokyo, Japan
Will be drinking until 5am since the trains shut down at midnight and taxis cost a fortune. Make lots of friends since I'll be by my damn self, and I'll be out until 5am. Sleep. Then off to the Ginzu district to look around some temples and enjoy a really good meal. Pass out and fly out the next morning.
(I'm taking suggestions here- nice hotel or Kabuki actors inn? Which should I do?)

Jan. 21st-31st: Seoul, Korea
Work work work. Staying at the Hotel Shilla- free hotel (yay me!) and I get to wear pants everyday. Will be handing out presents to everyone in the company. Lots of behaving but hopefully I'll have nights and weekends free up. Will be avoiding Kimchi, but hopefully eating Kalbi every day. Will not have phone, so email me! I'll need the company and funnisms.

Feb 9-15: Honolulu, Hawaii
Probowl on the 10th. Sunday at Dukes. North Shore- Fish Tacos at Chulos. Birthday fun on the 14th at Todai (ha!) and various other places that involve eating, drinking, and sometimes crying on my part. I'm not taking aging very well.

Feb 15-23: Sydney, Australia
I love Australian accents. So I will spend most of my time talking with whoever the heck I want for long periods of time. They actually had an Aussie phrase book at the bookstore! Will try to look for a job just to see. Visit our Australian office. Buy a friggin boomerang for my sister. See a wild kangaroo. Eat vegamite....I will probably hate it- but hey what the heck, eh? Good beach fun. Meeting lots of people because- again, I'm by myself. I think you guys are trying to tell me something. I take daily showers, really! Learn to drink like an Aussie (may take lots of practice).
(If you have friends in Sydney- by all means give me their contact info. I will email/call them!)

April 12-16: Anywhere but Dallas Trip
Got a spare floor or a yard? I may come visit you! Taking applications to use my miles. Will not travel to states starting with the letter A. Sorry Lee! Haha!

May 11-13 (TBD): New York City, NY
Chinatown and Soho. Missed these the last time I was here. Maybe catch a Yankees game.

New Years 2007/8
Prague anyone?

I made a travelblog to record some fun stuff, pictures, and to let people know why I haven't called. I will post stuff in the next few days and while I am out and about. Some of the stuff I'll have to backtrack b/c I started it only recently. So, email me, call me, text me, join me, miss me...if you got this email- you are important to me in some way. (Don't tell whoever didn't get this email.)

Talk to you soon,

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